New Users Guide / Rates

New users should contact Dr. Deniz Ucar at, and provide the following:

  • Contact Information
  • Research Lab and Primary Investigator
  • Your Position
  • Brief Description of Your Imaging Needs

Each piece of equipment requires separate training regardless of previous experience and must come from the Core Personnel. 

After completing the training, users will receive an access code to the Brain Institute Cell and Tissue Imaging Core and equipment and will be able to schedule sessions.  

Before training can begin on the 3i Cleared Tissue Light Sheet Microscope, Olympus Microscope, Zeiss Slide Scanner, or Leica LMD system, users will need to complete the Account Authorization Form and have it signed by the Primary Investigator. 


Account Authorization Form



Core Rates





If you need help with tissue clearing or imaging, please fill out the Service Request Form and contact Deniz Ucar at



We welcome any feedback from users of the Brain Institute Cell and Tissue Imaging Core.  Please email any comments or suggestions to Deniz Ucar or Dr. Matthew Dalva, Brain Institute Director, at


All users of the Olympus Confocal Microscope, Leica LMD7 Laser Microdissection Microscope, and 3i Light Sheet Microscope in the Brain Institute Cell and Tissue Imaging Core are asked to acknowledge the grant under which the microscope was purchased in their paper as the “Louisiana Board of Regents Departmental Enhancement Grant LEQSF(2018-23)-ENH-DE-15.”  Please send a copy of the paper to the PI of the grant, Dr. Jill Daniel, at